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The Alliance for Early Success is a 50-state resource for early-childhood advocates as they pursue the big, sustained impact that will ensure every child in every state, birth through age eight, has an equal chance to grow, learn, and succeed.

New Mexico Opens New Early Childhood Education and Care Department

With the inauguration of the state’s new Early Childhood Education and Care Department, New Mexico has become the fourth state in the nation to have a cabinet level department dedicated to early childhood. The creation of the department reflects the Governor’s focus on improving the lives of New Mexico’s youngest children.

Oregon Early Childhood Policy

Oregon Celebrates Historic Funding Victories for Young Children

Oregon early childhood advocates are celebrating passage of the Student Success Act (HB 3427) — a historic investment of $1 billion per year with 20 percent of the budget, or $200 million per year, dedicated for early childhood programs. The Children’s Institute reports on the breakdown, and the state’s five major funding victories for early childhood.


Pennsylvania Goes 2-for-3 in Early Learning in 19-20 State Budget

Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children, the only statewide non-partisan advocacy organization with a public policy agenda that spans the life of a child from birth to adulthood, reports on the outcomes of the state’s FY 2019-20 state budget — which includes a $30-million increase in pre-K funding and a $5-million increase in home-visiting funding, serving in total an additional 3,000 children and families.


Nebraska 2019 Legislative Update

Nebraska’s Unicameral adjourned six days early this year when senators could not reach consensus on a comprehensive property tax relief package or a business tax incentive program. Despite the contentious atmosphere at times, the session concluded with some notable successes for early childhood.

Texas Early Childhood Policy

Years of Early Childhood Advocacy Pay Off in Texas

Working with our supporters and partners in Texas and across the country, Texans Care for Children has had several great victories this year that will help more children and their families be healthy and thrive. But we are celebrating one of the biggest victories for Texas kids in recent memory: Governor Greg Abbott recently signed HB 3, the school finance bill that funds full-day pre-k for currently eligible four-year-olds.


Louisiana Legislators and Community Leaders Succeed in Making Young Children a Priority

For the first time in a decade, more Louisiana working families will have crucial support in sending their children to a quality early care and education program thanks to a governor and legislative-supported budget that includes an $18.8 million increase for early ed programing and seats—and this was accomplished even though the state budget bill started the legislative process with $0 new dollars for early learning for children birth through age four.