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Author: Daniela Villasmil

The Alliance for Early Success is a 50-state resource for early-childhood advocates as they pursue the big, sustained impact that will ensure every child in every state, birth through age eight, has an equal chance to grow, learn, and succeed.

Several States Celebrate Wins on State-Level Child Tax Credits

Federal and state child tax credits have historically received bipartisan support. These tax credits for families with children under age 17 provide financial relief for low-income families and their children and support economic mobility. New Jersey, Vermont, and RI have recently chosen to use American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to enact state-level child tax credits.

Early Childhood and Family Supports

The Alliance Launches a New Initiative to Support Advocates in Centering Lived Experience and Sharing Power

The Alliance for Early Success is launching a new community of practice for state advocacy organizations to increase their capacity to engage in authentic and impactful partnerships rooted in lived experiences and the values of racial equity and shared power. The Centering Parent and Practitioner Power Community of Practice (CPPP) will be a nine-month experience dedicated to courageous conversations to deepen understanding, appreciation, and skills to equitably value the expertise of community members in policy and advocacy work.


A $40 Million Win for Early Education and Care in Alabama

Allies at the Alabama School Readiness Alliance (ASRA), VOICES for Alabama’s Children, and Alabama Partnership for Children championed legislation that led to a historic state investment to child care and pre-k – a new and improved QRIS system that includes generous incentive payments to providers and provides coaches to help programs improve their quality and adding 125 classrooms to the First Class Pre-k program.


Advocates in Rhode Island Leverage Relationships with the American Academy of Pediatrics for Policy Wins for Children and Families

Strong partnerships are at the core of advocacy. Nowhere is that clearer than in Rhode Island, where early childhood policy advocates at Rhode Island Kids Count and the Rhode Island Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (RIAAP) are working together to help educate communities and policymakers on the importance of child health and early intervention.

illinois Early Childhood Policy

Illinois Advocates Centered Lived Experiences to Strengthen Access to Early Care and Education for Families Involved in the Child Welfare System

Illinois advocates worked with the state legislature and the Pritzker administration to pass Public Act 102-926. The approved legislation includes proposals developed by the state’s Early Learning Council, with support from Start Early and Illinois Action for Children. The Council’s recommendations were informed by the lived experiences of parents who access early childhood services for their children.


Allies Celebrate Launch of New Oklahoma Clearinghouse for Early Childhood Success

Alliance allies at the Oklahoma Partnership for School Readiness (OPSR) manage The Oklahoma Clearinghouse for Early Childhood Success and partner with public and private organizations to ensure that there is cross-sector representation in decision-making and funding. OPSR aims to elevate best practices and inform implementation across early childhood systems in Oklahoma.