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Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP)

The Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) develops practical yet visionary strategies for reducing poverty, promoting economic opportunity, and addressing barriers faced by people of color.

Through careful research, analysis, and effective advocacy, CLASP develops and promotes new ideas, mobilizes advocates, and directly assists governments to put in place strategies that deliver results that matter.

Our state allies can call on CLASP to:

Help strategize and plan advocacy on their state's early childhood system.

CLASP can help states defend and improve state early childhood policies and state child care investments, especially in response to pandemic relief and rescue plan funding -- all in order to equitably expand access to quality care for families with low incomes.

Counsel advocates on racial equity and immigrant issues as they relate to child care policies and systems.

CLASP's broad racial equity expertise and deep child care and early education and immigrant family policy knowledge make them an in-demand provider of technical assistance on how to improve equity in state early childhood policies, with specific expertise in data, discipline, immigrant families, equitable community engagement strategies, and state policy options.

Support advocacy planning and execution for family income supports, including public benefits, tax credits, and paid family/medical leave.

CLASP has deep expertise in both federal and state policy in these areas and can help states formulate agendas and strategies for building family economic security.

On the Ground:

  • In Kentucky, CLASP helped advocates understand the federal CCDF rules related to spending and analyzed data to help make the case for the way that certain dollars were allocated within the program in the state. This knowledge and data helped advocates successfully advocate for the investment of the resources that they knew would have the most impact.
  • For California, CLASP gathered and shared examples of family copayment scales across a variety of states and shared federal rules and corresponding flexibility of copayment policies to help advocates craft their strategy to successfully reduce and eliminate copayments for families utilizing CCDF.

“CLASP has been an essential partner in helping us learn about what is happening in other states, helping us contextualize the challenges in Texas, and enabling us to chart a better path forward. Their expertise and partnership are invaluable in our shared work to support the working families of Texas and ensure they can access the high-quality child care they deserve.”

David Feigen, Texans Care for Children


“As a newer organization to the early childhood education and child care advocacy space, the Wyoming Women’s Foundation has benefitted from the expertise of CLASP experts providing technical assistance. CLASP has helped WYWF identify opportunities to improve access, affordability, and quality of child care in Wyoming. Their knowledge of the national child care landscape and solutions has made our learning curve more efficient.” 

Rebekah Hazelton, Wyoming Women’s Foundation