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CounterPart Consulting & OpenSource Leadership Strategies

Working in close partnership over the past 20 years, Gita Gulati-Partee, Kathleen Crabbs, and Sterling Freeman support state advocates as both units and agents of racial justice and liberation—building race equity capacity inside their organizations while advancing racial and social justice through their organizations. 

As strategic thought partners, leadership coaches, and learning facilitators, they guide organizations to articulate an equity identity and point of view, as well as a strategy for achieving aligned results that people can feel in their lives, both inside the organization and out. OpenSource and CounterPart are women- and people of color-owned companies.

State allies can call on CounterPart and OpenSource to: 

Serve as a strategic advisor on your work to build anti-racist equity culture, including help getting started or working through a particular barrier

Provide short-term equity leadership coaching for leadership or staff, building confidence to adapt and innovate.

Support with “light touch” responsive support on organizational equity opportunities and needs


Learn more about CounterPart and OpenSource