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Polling and Message Framing

There is strong bipartisan interest in increased support for young children and their families.

These early childhood polling and message framing resources lay out findings and strategies for leveraging that broad support. 

National Voter Support for Funding Children's Services

Children's Funding Project — This poll, released in January of 2022, finds that more than 80% of voters believe that creating equitable opportunities for children to get a strong start in life should be one of the highest priorities for government—and they are willing to raise their own local taxes to make those opportunities possible.


Building Bridges: Creating Strong Partnerships for Early Childhood Education

US Chamber of Commerce Foundation —  Whether you’re an advocate or member of the business community, these findings and recommended messaging are a valuable resource for building and sustaining partnerships between those focused on supporting early childhood education and those focused on supporting their workforce.

Talking the Heckman Equation

Early Childhood Investment Framing Resource

Heckman Equation — This is a two-page message framework advocates can use to motivate policymakers and other influentials to invest in quality early childhood education for disadvantaged children. This resource can be used as a guide for crafting persuasive talking points to business leaders, policymakers or other potential advocates.