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The Alliance for Early Success is a 50-state resource for early-childhood advocates as they pursue the big, sustained impact that will ensure every child in every state, birth through age eight, has an equal chance to grow, learn, and succeed.

tennessee early childhood policy

Tennessee Advocates Leverage Alliance Network to Launch Powerful New Dashboard

Alliance for Early Success convenings, connections, and community fueled the Bright Start Tennessee Dashboard–Tennessee advocates’ new, highly tailored early childhood data portal. Now that each of the Bright Start regions has access to the regularly updated dashboard, they’re better equipped to measure progress and champion state policies with regional and local data.

Alliance for Early Success Early Childhood State Policy Advocacy

New Alliance 50-State Report Shows Progress and Power Building at State Level in 2024 

Each year, the Alliance for Early Success surveys early childhood policy advocates representing all 50 states and the District of Columbia to create its annual 50-State Early Childhood Policy Progress and Landscape Report. The 2024 report, released in January, shows that support for state early childhood policies and funding continued to be strong, with policymakers from every region and political landscape acting to improve their early childhood policies.

Alliance for Early Success Early Childhood State Policy Advocacy

Alliance for Early Success and ZERO TO THREE Launch Early Intervention Advocacy Learning Collaborative

In partnership with the Alliance for Early Success, ZERO TO THREE (ZTT) launched a new opportunity for state advocates, an Early Intervention (EI) Advocacy Learning Collaborative. This introductory experience is for advocates who wish to become more familiar with EI and more active in this critical state policy area. By creating this space to deepen understanding of the Early Intervention system, advocates will get ideas, inspiration and knowledge from one another, leading to positive change in their states.

Minnesota Early Childhood Policy Advocacy

Minnesota “Coalition of Coalitions” Turns Years of Work into a String of Big Wins for Children and Families

From a new nation-leading child tax credit that will cut child poverty by a third, to $1.3 billion for expansion of mixed-delivery child care, to continuous medicaid coverage for children to age 6, to a long list of other wins for young children and their families, there were almost too many advancements to count in the 2023 legislative session. The secret to all these wins? A long-standing “of coalition of coalitions” in the state the centers communication, equity, cooperation, and authentic power sharing.

Alliance for Early Success Early Childhood State Policy Advocacy

Alliance Webinar on Supporting the Perinatal Workforce in Policy and Practice

The perinatal workforce plays an indispensable role in ensuring the well-being and survival of pregnant people and their babies throughout pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. However, systemic issues and social disparities continue to persist, leaving many birthing people, particularly Black and Indigenous communities, without access to the quality maternal health care they deserve. The Alliance and co-host Black Mamas Matter Alliance will explore strategies to better equip, support and advance the Black maternal, reproductive, and perinatal workforce.

Alliance for Early Success Early Childhood State Policy Advocacy

Alliance for Early Success Receives $10-Million Investment from MacKenzie Scott and Launches Innovative New Early Childhood Power Equity Fund

The Alliance for Early Success, a 50-state early childhood policy nonprofit, announced today a $10-million grant from philanthropist MacKenzie Scott. The unrestricted investment will fund the launch of the Power Equity Initiative, a bold strategy to grow an influential voice for young children at the state level by catalyzing equitable coalitions in which parents, advocates, practitioners, and other diverse voices work collaboratively to improve policies and increase funding.

Alliance for Early Success Early Childhood State Policy Advocacy

Alliance Webinar on Making Government Work for Families Accessing Services

Information about availability, eligibility, and applying for publicly funded state services is often time-consuming to find, and antiquated systems are difficult to navigate. A new federal executive order, however, might just change that with a simple notion: requiring state governments to treat families like customers. Join us as our partners at the New Practice Lab will share their recently released research on complexity in early education programs across the 50 states and will share updates on federal efforts to simplify access to early childhood programs.

We’ll also hear from South Carolina, a state meeting this challenge head-on with their recently unveiled First Five SC portal, which aims to transform the way families access publicly funded early childhood programs and services in the state.