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Maternal Health

The Alliance for Early Success is a 50-state resource for early-childhood advocates as they pursue the big, sustained impact that will ensure every child in every state, birth through age eight, has an equal chance to grow, learn, and succeed.

Alliance for Early Success Early Childhood State Policy Advocacy

Alliance Webinar on Disparities in Maternal Health

It is clear that good infant health starts before birth and that equitable access to pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum care are critical for long-term health for babies and their parents. Yet the maternal health crisis in this country has persisted, and it’s a crisis that disproportionally impacts communities of color. This is powerful discussion on the disparities in maternal health care and—most important—what policy advocates can do to eliminate them.

illinois Early Childhood Policy

Illinois Early Childhood Advocates Partner with the Legislative Black Caucus to Help Win Reforms

In the fall of 2020 the Illinois Legislative Black Caucus held a series of hearings to develop its agenda, and because of long-standing relationships built on trust and respect, advocates were invited to highlight early childhood issues and to make recommendations to be included in the package. Working together, they helped win a new package of education and health care reforms.

Michigan Early Childhood Policy

Michigan Allies Win New Executive Orders – and a $23-Million Investment – to Address Disparities in Maternal and Infant Health Outcomes

Our Allies in Michigan have been working hard to highlight racial disparities in maternal and infant health outcomes and to build urgency around the need to achieve birth equity. Last year, their work paid off with several crucial wins, including $23.5 million in funding for a comprehensive plan to address disparities and an executive order that requires health professionals to undergo implicit bias training.