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Tag: Child Health and Mental Health

The Alliance for Early Success is a 50-state resource for early-childhood advocates as they pursue the big, sustained impact that will ensure every child in every state, birth through age eight, has an equal chance to grow, learn, and succeed.

California Early Childhood Policy Advocacy

Hard Work in California Wins Continuing Expansions of Evidence-Based Home Visiting

Alliance for Early Success’ California ally, Children Now, continues to push for expansion of voluntary evidence-based home visiting in California. Read about the state’s significant progress that is projected to double evidence-based home visiting, and about the critical work still ahead that will reduce complexity across funding streams and set the foundation for further expansion over the long term.

Ohio Early Childhood Policy Advocacy

Ohio Expands Access to Early Childhood Mental Health Services

In an effort to further support the health and wellbeing of Ohio’s youngest children, Governor DeWine recently announced grant awards to expand early childhood mental health services across the state. Through the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities, and the Governor’s Office of Children’s Initiatives, nearly $1 million in grants were awarded to 12 Ohio mental health providers

Minnesota Early Childhood Policy Advocacy

Minnesota Allies Play Defense in 2018 Legislative Session

The 2018 state legislative session did not yield child-focused investments or policy, but some consequences were avoided. Allies’ child care priorities garnered broad bipartisan support throughout the legislative session and were included in the supplemental budget bill that both the House and Senate passed. The budget bill, however, also included problematic provisions, including one that could have had the unintended consequence of removing eligible individuals from public programs.