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Early Childhood Finance

The Alliance for Early Success is a 50-state resource for early-childhood advocates as they pursue the big, sustained impact that will ensure every child in every state, birth through age eight, has an equal chance to grow, learn, and succeed.

Oklahoma Allies Host Legislative Symposium to Educate Policymakers on the Early Childhood Crisis in Their State

To highlight the importance of investing in Oklahoma’s early childhood programs and in preparation for the upcoming legislative session, Oklahoma Partnership for School Readiness (OPSR) and the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) invited legislators and legislative staff to an Early Childhood Policy Symposium at the Oklahoma State Capitol on January 11.

Vermont Early Childhood Policy

Vermont Allies Make Strides Towards Economic Justice and Equity

Voices for Vermont’s Children built momentum for economic justice through their advocacy approach paired with consistent messaging. These allies work in partnership with coalitions and use outcome impact data to ensure that Reach Up will meet families’ basic needs for the well-being of Vermont children.


Innovative Revenue Wins for Early Care and Education in Louisiana

Louisiana celebrated big revenue wins during the 2021 legislative session for early care and education, including allocating sports betting revenue and specialty NBA Pelican license plate revenues to the Louisiana Early Childhood Education Fund. The Louisiana Policy Institute for Children and other partners also succeeded in other efforts to promote broad investment for Louisiana children and families.