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Tag: Preschool and Pre-K

The Alliance for Early Success is a 50-state resource for early-childhood advocates as they pursue the big, sustained impact that will ensure every child in every state, birth through age eight, has an equal chance to grow, learn, and succeed.

Oregon Early Childhood Policy

Oregon Voters Deliver Big Wins for Kids on Medicaid Expansion and Universal Preschool

Oregon voters delivered big wins for early childhood issues on ballot measures in the 2020 election — including a a tax increase on tobacco that will provide the last piece in the puzzle in fully funding the expansion of Medicaid eligibility. Both of these victories highlight the power of creating a broad coalition for developing and campaigning for policies that benefit children.


New Mexico Opens New Early Childhood Education and Care Department

With the inauguration of the state’s new Early Childhood Education and Care Department, New Mexico has become the fourth state in the nation to have a cabinet level department dedicated to early childhood. The creation of the department reflects the Governor’s focus on improving the lives of New Mexico’s youngest children.


Proposed Pre-K Budget Cuts in Georgia Defeated through Strategic Advocacy

Using strategic communication, research, and media outreach, our ally in Georgia helped overturn proposed budget cuts to the state’s pre-k program, secured funding for a new children’s mental health position at the state department, and extended postpartum Medicaid coverage. This victory is especially significant as states face drastically falling revenues.

Maryland Early Childhood Policy

Maryland Legislature Passes Early Care and Education Legislation Package

Amid the most trying circumstances many can remember, the Maryland session concluded with an extraordinary flurry of activity. The sprint to the finish included not only the passage of a challenging FY 2021 budget but also the landmark “Blueprint for Maryland’s Future,” which embodies the most dramatic strides in early childhood education in decades.

tennessee early childhood policy

Tennessee Pre-K Quality Improves Again — Thanks to Policy Changes

Tennessee now meets eight out of 10 quality standards benchmarks that evaluate the effectiveness of preschool education programs, according to The State of Preschool 2019 report issued by the National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER). This ranking comes as a result of successful policy changes that enabled Tennessee to meet the Continuous Quality Improvement System (CQIS) benchmark for the first time.


Pennsylvania Goes 2-for-3 in Early Learning in 19-20 State Budget

Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children, the only statewide non-partisan advocacy organization with a public policy agenda that spans the life of a child from birth to adulthood, reports on the outcomes of the state’s FY 2019-20 state budget — which includes a $30-million increase in pre-K funding and a $5-million increase in home-visiting funding, serving in total an additional 3,000 children and families.