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BUILD Initiative — The Improving Child Care Compensation Backgrounder 2021 provides tactical information to help leaders better understand the policy levers available to support early educator compensation, which is so critical right now when we can finally address this critical problem. The update includes examples of states and counties implementing in different ways the eight strategies covered in the backgrounder, which are: compensation scales and standards, wage stipends and bonus payments, individual tax credits for child care educators, ARPA child care stabilization subgrants, child care assistance, benefits, apprenticeships, and pre-K parity for child care. (December 2021)
Center for the Study of Child Care Employment (CSCCE) — State advocates looking for information on how to increase wages, provide benefits, or offer direct payments for the early educator workforce can now access CSCCE's public database of compensation strategies. Several states and tribes have shared details on how they’re allocating federal relief funds to the early care and education workforce. (November 2021)
The T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® National Center at Child Care Services Association -- This white paper examines salary (wage) scales: what they are and what to consider when planning one. Specific state examples are offered, as well as a general discussion of the elements and characteristics of a salary schedule. Funding and instituting a well-designed salary or wage scale, one that provides transparent and equitable wage lattices and make ECE a competitive career once again, is one key strategy for rebuilding the ECE system. (November 2021)
Right From the Start — The RIght from the Start campaign (led by Alliance ally Rhodes Island KIDS COUNT) created a video, “Worthy Wages for Rhode Island’s Early Educators,” detailing low pay for the state's 3,000 early educators (child care, home visitors, and early intervention specialists) and the need for state policy makers to implement strategies to improve wages for this critical workforce. (Alliance Funded) (July 2020)
Center for the Study of Child Care Employment (CSCCE) — The historical and pervasive undervaluing of labor performed by women and minorities in the United States has combined to create one of the most underpaid workforces in the country: those who care for and teach young children. This paper explores and documents the disparities. (Alliance Funded) (December 2019)
T.E.A.CH Early Childhood National Center — This project examined state-implemented strategies to begin to address the issue of early childhood workforce compensation. (Alliance Funded) (November 2019)
Committee for Economic Development — CED’s refundable tax credit toolkit is designed to offer an array of background resources for the consideration and development of early learning educator refundable tax credits in your state or region. (Alliance Funded) (October 2019)
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