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The Alabama Experience

In 2024, the Alliance for Early Success replaced its annual grantee meeting with an offering focused on supporting state advocacy organizations in their efforts to become allies for antiracism. The Alabama Experience took teams from state grantee organizations on a shared journey to Montgomery, Alabama, that incorporated the Equal Justice Initiative’s Legacy Sites and many of the city’s other powerful spaces that explore our nation’s history of racial injustice and movement toward civil rights. Each day offered opportunities to debrief and process the experience in small groups facilitated by a team of racial equity consultants.

The goal for the Alabama Experience was to help all of us gain a deeper understanding of the historical and current systems that have shaped power and opportunity, with a focus on recognizing and valuing the Black experience. The Alliance for Early Success’ theory of change recognizes that structural racism limits how we build power to effect lasting change, and the Alabama Experience is a key part of our work to help state early childhood policy grantees—and us—become more effective in our work to advance equitable policies and practices.

Pre-Event Alliance Staff Reflections


Pre-Event Preparation

Participant Orientation Slides – These foundational materials were shared ahead of our experience in Alabama, highlighting the goals of the journey, the role of race caucusing, and the ways we can connect this work back to our own professional and personal lives. 

OpenSource Norms – Developed by OpenSource Leadership Strategies, these guiding principles are designed to support meaningful, inclusive dialogue. The norms encourage empathy, humility, and reflection, fostering both personal growth and collective insight. 


Land Acknowledgement

    • Learn More: Explore additional resources about the Poarch Band of Creek Indians, including materials shared by Chief Gilmore. 


More Event Resources

Quote Wall –This curated collection of quotes and reflections from our experience captures moments of insight, connection, and a shared commitment to equity. 

Racial Equity Tools – Introduced by OpenSource during the post-experience webinar, this comprehensive online resource offers frameworks, worksheets, articles, and more, to support ongoing racial equity work. 

EJI Daily Emails – “A History of Racial Injustice” – The Equal Justice Initiative provides daily emails from their “A History of Racial Injustice” series. These emails offer powerful insights into pivotal events, figures, and stories related to racial justice in the U.S. Subscribing is an impactful way to deepen your understanding of historical and ongoing issues in racial equity work, with a daily opportunity for reflection and growth. Sign up here 


Post Event Participant Blogs and Stories

Reflections from Montgomery by Allison Gilbreath (Part One), Megan Mbagwu (Part Two),  Rachael Deane (Part Three), Voices for Virginia’s Children

Transformative Week in Alabama, Michael Burke, Buffett Early Childhood Fund, (LinkedIn